Friday, November 13, 2015

iPhone photos 101 - First week back in Singapore!!!1!11!!

Friday, November 13, 2015
taking a break from all the Adelaide posts since I'm now back in Singapore hehehe

2 November (Monday) 
I arrived in SG at around 11pm and the moment I reached home......... everything felt so different?????? I went around the house going like:
"wah my room smell so nice" 
"omg the kitchen sink so deep" 
"why is our house so WHITE AND BLACK" 
"did the lights change" 
"why the toilet suddenly so small" 
"omg so much food" 

FIRST BREAKFAST IN SINGAPORE AFTER 6 WEEKS OF WHITE BREAD + MARGARINE IN AUSSIE!!!!! As you can tell I was super excited to be reunited with my paus :"-) Paus in Australia were like $3 each wtf and I was depriveeedddd

Lunch was a toasted crumpet with peanut butter & palm sugar

And because I was complaining for 6 weeks about missing popiah... the best mum on earth brought me out to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mum bought 4 QiJi popiahs for me and needless to say, I was vvvvv happy :-)

The day got even better because once I reached home, Mav texted me to say he had nights out so I immediately left the house again to meet him hehehe
HELLO AGAIN BIBZ!!!!!!!!!!!!
we actually saw each other like 9 days before this cause he came to Adelaide but still miss him la

Untitled Untitled
The past 3 weeks (as I'm writing this) have been tough for you but u strong yo muah muah 

3 November (Tuesday) 
clearly not getting enough of paus so more for breakfast!!!! I recently discovered black sesame paus omg so gud 

mountain of baked sweet potato chunks for lunchzzzzz which was surprisingly vvv filling and yumz

SAW MY FAV GIRL AFTER SO LONG!!!! She drew a picture of her family and mine........ and then proceeded to draw a solo picture of Maverick (aka "jerlyn jie jie's friend, the no hair one") wtf so cute but so biased LOL 

4 November (Wednesday) 
Reading The Time Traveler's Wife!!! I finished it later that day and it's not bad!! Got quite draggy at certain parts but the ending had me sobbing like mad

8 November (Sunday) 
Went to Tampines mart to run some errands and bought a pancake (omg my childhood fav) and popiah for lunch!!!! The popiah was disappointing but the PANCAKE WAS SO GOOD leh!!!!!! I was heading over to Mav's house so I bought a peanut one for him too... but I ended up eating quite a bit of his lolol oops 

9 November (Monday) 
The 8th popiah you've seen in this post........... HAHAHAHA I think I've moreorless settled my cravings for them hehe thx u mummy :-* 

10 November (Tuesday) 
Public holiday spent with Mav again because he got to book out hehe 
Met Mav's best bud, JiaJie, for lunch and we had Nandos!!! My chicken tenders were actually really really good and only $6.90++ for 5 pcs which isn't too bad LOL.

Mav and JiaJie talked for like 2 hours about army wtf but it was nice to see Mav have someone he could talk about army with WHO ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS LOL.
 It's also quite interesting because I actually already met JiaJie in Year 1, and there was one day where JJ crashed my consultations with my tutor LOL. JJ had a friend with him and surprise surprise, that friend turned out to be Mav??? At that point I only knew JJ so I didn't even knew/pay much attention to Mav, but then there the 3 of us were again: 2 years later with Mav as my boyfriend (lol) eating lunch together??

Had a cheese waffle from Tampines interchange's Q Bakery!!! Their cheese spread is unlike any other bakery's cheese spread and I grew up eating this when I still stayed in Tamp, so it brought back a lot of good memories :-)

Headed back to Mav's house for awhile after lunch to rest before he had to book in
bibz getting buffer hehehehe

dinner before booking in at HK Xin Wang cafe with his dad later on
baked spaghetti with pork chop which was good!!!!! so blessed :') 

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