Saturday, July 4, 2015

iPhone photos 1.83 - Off Campus Learning Week 1

Saturday, July 4, 2015
28 June (Sunday) 
Shaynnie and her mum/my aunt bought lemon meringue tarts and my fav floss bread for meEEeEeEeE :''''( Haven't went to visit them in a long while but they still remember me s0bs

zhen de hen shiok :-9

29 June (Monday) 
First day of Off Campus Learning week but obvs I still have to go back campus lolol
Avocado on toasts for breakfast!!!!!!!!! They were not ripe so they were hard and couldn't even be smashed up BUT I couldn't wait :'(

L: Went to meet my Human Factors group for our project and had to manually draw out these webpages!!!!!! they look quite legit la hor
R: Also random toilet selfie cause it felt like my shirt suddenly became way bigger than I last remembered????

Had a rather good granola bar (from a US food store in Hong Kong) while waiting for Special Project meeting to start

And then I met Mav for dinner at Tampines 1 again!!!
My (overly) runny egg yolk!!!!!! Had high hopes for my ham & egg sandwich but it was gross lulz
Ended up just eating Mav's fried chicken and fries hehe

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At our usual corner again!!!!! Weather was good :-)

Thank uuuu for sending me home even though you had a really bad runny nose :-(
...And for carrying my Yamazaki bread even though you hate that bakery HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAA

I don't even know what this is

Training for commandos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

30 June (Tuesday) 
On campus again for Criminal Psych group project and hehehe our poster boy Kevin becoming model

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Also saw Ms Fionna, Ms Shahiraa, Marilyn and Andria on the big screen regarding last semester's mental health awareness event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HSS pride yo (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶

Sunset and me lolol 

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