Thursday, October 6, 2016

day 446/670

Thursday, October 6, 2016
it's comforting & encouraging to see that we're already more than halfway through this whole army journey: with only ("only"?) 7m 12d left till you ORD next year. I know you don't like hearing the countdown because it's a reminder of how much you still have left, but I guess I just look at it as how far you've (we've) come since then. I remember starting these whole "day __/670" posts to document this army relationship thing and wondering if we'd even make it till the last day of your NS. it was still such a new relationship and so uncertain but I guess after almost 1y 6m together, u could say that we're pretty much set :-)
anyway when you left for Australia 5 days ago, I don't think I fully comprehended the fact that you'd be absent for 3 whole weeks (again). I still don't think I have yet because you left on a Sunday, and so far it just seems like a normal week where I don't see you on weekdays..... but I guess it'll slowly start to sink in when the weekends come, huh? :(

can't wait can't wait can't wait till you get back already

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