I've always went on and on and on and on again about how people should not over-generalize or anyhow (for lack of better word lol) misuse mental disorder names. And I guess over the past few months ever since my passion for mental health awareness exploded, I realized that there were a lot of other words that people are misusing as well???
Words like
"retarded" (which technically is a mental disorder I think but not a lot of people view it as such)
"shoot myself"
Like the other day my classmates wanted us to pose and pretend that we were shooting ourselves with our "guns" and IT MADE ME CRINGE SO BAD. Because I did NOT want to do it, I did NOT want to make suicide look like a joke or treat suicide lightly at all because IT ISN'T.
And even thinking back about it just makes me cringe and grimace in disgust and disapproval (!!!!) because I hated the fact that nobody listened when I said we shouldn't do it.... BUT mostly because I hated the fact that I ended up doing the pose anyway just so I could fit in with my class.
I also used to do the whole "dead emoji + gun emoji" thing but I stopped after awhile. But people still do it, and I don't know how to even voice out my opinion about it. And is it wrong to feel upset when someone says things like "ya I'm the molester" when they see the police signboard warning residents about a case of outrage of modesty?????
Like maybe I'm just overthinking and overanalyzing everything, but I just hate to see people make all these serious things (i.e. rape, molest, suicide, mental disorders)....... Not serious anymore??? WHEN IT IS.
Yeah, mental illnesses is a painful thing to go through.
Yeah, people shouldn't overgeneralize and misuse the names of mental illnesses.
Yeah, people shouldn't say things like "I feel so moody today I must be bipolar" "why are you washing your hands again you must be ocd" "I have post insert fun event here depression".
But what about addiction? What about molest and rape victims? What about people who are suicidal? Isn't it an equally painful thing to go through as well? So why should we (I) think that these words are "okay" to misuse and over-generalize? Why do we think it's okay to say things like "I'm going to rape this box open when I get home" "I'm going to shoot myself if I don't get to eat this"
Like I think they deserve the same amount of respect and awareness as mental health does and I'm really going to make it a point from this point on to NOT over-generalize these words????????????? And I really wish more people do as well lol.
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