Thursday, February 27, 2014


Thursday, February 27, 2014
Lol so a few days back I saw this tweet about "Poly is like taking O Levels 6 times  for 3 years", and a few days later I saw another tweet saying like ""Poly is like taking O Levels 6 times for 3 years" "JC is like taking O Levels everyday for 2 years"" (lol quotationception)

I GOT REALLY ANNOYED HONESTLY like come on la how can you compare the 2 when JC and Poly is 2 entirely different things that work in 2 entirely different ways???? 

Take note that I ENTIRELY RESPECT the fact that JC is hard because I have friends in JC and I know, but people need to understand that Poly is equally just as hard too. Saying that JC is like taking O Levels everyday to compare it to what someone else said about Poly is just.... Lol LIKE CAN DON'T and to add on the two sentences were in the same tweet side by side so it's clearly comparing right????  

I mean in the first place the poly tweet didn't even mention JC la it didn't even compare anything what right. I might be interpreting it entirely wrong la but it's like the person is trying to say JC is way more tough than poly is. But just because someone is in JC does NOT mean he/she is working harder than someone else in Poly la JUST DON'T COMPARE THE TWO 

Both JCs and Polys have their own systems and both have their pros/cons and trying to compare the two and saying 1 is more "superior" is just ridiculous ugh 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Saturday, February 22, 2014
.........What I am currently dealing with......... Learning and memorizing about learning and memory walao what is going on s0bz 

Hahahahahaha (my tutor) Arthur the #lamellipodia #punnypsych 
K BYE back to NMDA glutamate receptors and Rhinal cortices 

"There's like a million different ways to say "I love you" 
"Put your seatbelt on" 
"Watch your step" 
"Get some rest" 

..You just gotta listen" 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Things I'm thankful for (1)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
1) My brain - that's healthy, e.g. thankful that I don't have prosopagnosia (inability to recognize familar faces including your own)

2) Food - like bread, pumpkin, grass jelly and QUEST BARS!!!!!! Had my chocolate chip cookie dough one today and it was goooooood 

3) Warm water - whenever I want it/to bathe in 

4) My studies - even though I dread memorizing the function of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, or how to spell Hippocampal Commisure and Locus Coeruleus..I'm thankful I have the opportunity to learn (because some things are actually really interesting) HAHAHA 

5) Chairs with back support - lol sat on a stool for ~12 hours yesterday while studying and my back hurt all night  

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Thursday, February 13, 2014
"I guess that I forgot I had a choice 
I let you push me past the breaking point 

I stood for nothing 
So I fell for everything"  

Aware that I've been trying to make it seem like everything is perfect even if it's clearly not. Might not be the right way to do it, but I know it was the right thing to do and I'm really not sad!! It's not that I didn't appreciate anything and felt "miserable" the entire time because that's not the case and I'm super thankful for everything. I just realized that I don't need to depend my happiness on one person and the fact that I'm finally allowing myself to finally believe in this after more than a year makes me really happy :-) 

"Pain is only what you allow it to be" 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014
Just posted yesterday but ah shucks  

It's that time of the semester again.... Preparation for exams. I've only just started revising and even so I'm still worried that I'm not doing enough and all. I'm on my way to parkway parade now and I feel quite guilty that I didn't choose to stay home. I'm trying to tell myself that it's more important to spend time with my family/friends than always be so caught up in work but it's hard to convince myself. I've been worrying and panicking about so many things like my RMA test next Friday, my 2 exams, projects etc etc. It's so ironic because my twitter profile/whatsapp status says "Pray more, worry less" but I keep forgetting to and it's frustrating.. No matter how many people tell me I'm smart or I will do well, if I don't believe in myself what everyone else says still won't help me right. I know everyone makes mistakes and even the best fails sometimes but all I'm telling myself now is that I can't fail/I must beat everyone else/I can't be second best/NO FAILURE. It's ridiculous and I'm in a constant battle with myself EVERY DAY about studies. I think I'm annoying everyone around me with my constant worrying and stressing but it's really not like I want to. I want to be able to go out and enjoy myself and NOT have to repeatedly worry about what I need to do when I get home or write to-do lists everywhere. I feel like whatever I'm doing isn't good enough and sometimes I feel like "no Jerlyn you must relax" and then the other side of me is like "if you constantly tell yourself to relax you're going to FAIL everything". It's RIDICULOUS how much I worry now and I'm sorry to everyone who has to tolerate me and I know all this worrying is illogical but I don't know how to stop and a part of me doesn't want to stop. Yesterday was a really unproductive day revision wise and I'm hoping today will be a better day.... Need to finish 1 set of lecture slices and at least start on 1/3 of the next one. While at parkway later I'll read my Cog Psy lecture notes... Haha. 

I am thankful for everyone around me and for everyone's support and for believing in me!!!!! The only person I need to believe in me now is myself ヽ(;▽;)ノ 

On a lighter note 
These few days I've been really proud of myself for slowly TRYING to remove the people (person) in my life who I really don't need anymore. I don't need anyone else to make me feel like shit/unworthy and like I'm not good enough I already have myself to do all that (HA HA) 

ANYWAY I KNOW THIS POST SOUNDS REALLY EMO NEMO but it's ok I'm still Jerlyn I'm still happy because how to not be happy when I have so many good people around me ◉‿◉ 

Edit: Also feel like shit cause I've been gaining so much weight ugh I know I wasn't even very heavy to begin with and some weight would be (is) good but I can't seem to convince myself LOL feel so disgustinggggg  

Monday, February 3, 2014


Monday, February 3, 2014
Ok so usually when I walk to the bus stop opp my house I have to walk down these (short) flight of stairs 

There are 2 flights of stairs I can take, but I always take the one further from my home/closer to the bus stop 

So today when I saw the bus come I ran for it la and I ran to the usual stairs I take to the bus stop... Only to realize the stairs I usually walk down from DISAPPEARED???? 

SO I can't access the path to the bus stop and had to make a huge detour to walk to the OTHER stairs (further from bus stop) down 

So of course I gave up trying to catch the bus already and took my time to walk to the bus stop la 

But apparently the bus driver saw my failed attempt in trying to catch the bus (HA HA) so when I was slowly walking down the first flight of stairs and to the bus stop, the bus driver STOPPED the bus besides me/the pathway I was on??????? 

Like he wasn't even at the bus stop when he stopped the bus, he stopped it IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and beeped the horn to "call" me???????? To add on where he stopped was actually quite far from the bus stop already!!!! 

When I saw I got excited la and he let me board the bus in the middle of the road WTSSSS T_____T I WAS SO TOUCHED OKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

And when I boarded he told me "I saw you trying to catch the bus just now" OMGGGGG U_U where got people so nice one????

I know it's just a super simple act of stopping the bus for me but like some bus drivers can't even care less or wait for you AT THE BUS STOP to let you board *glares at the 3 different bus drivers who ignored/drove past me when I wanted to board the bus at the bus stop* 

Whereas this bus driver let me board even though he already drove away from the bus stop T____T 

Now I'm super happy and very touched and really regret I couldn't thank him the second time cause when I dropped off I had to run for my other bus hahaha HASHTAG life of a Punggol TP student 

Indian bus driver of SBS6409S bus 50 at 10.10am hehehe thank you for making my day :-)))))) 
even in the dust, we shine © 2014